I've decided to take the plunge and do the Lilla Rogers Course: "Making Art That Sells: Assignment Bootcamp"
I would like to start to make a portfolio of surface design and need a bit of a push to make this happen - so this is it.
Each month you are set a Mini assignment to get you going on some sketches and then a bigger assignment a week later. The idea is that by July I'll have the makings of a portfolio. Here's the details - you might like to have a go too?
Introducing the all new Make Art That Sells: Assignment Bootcamp from Lilla Rogers.
In response to popular demand from graduates of MATS Parts A and B, we are excited to unveil an exciting new online experience to help you create professional-level art in a supportive, nurturing environment. Sound good? Read on…
Do you crave…
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Make Art That Sells: Assignment Bootcamp!
Dates: Feb – July 2014*
(*Please note there will be no assignment in April when Make Art That Sells A & B are running)
Price: £99 (approx. $159)
I'm really looking forward to it because it will be a chance to play and see where it takes me.